
Fire Emblem Heroes – March 20th and 21st, 2022 Content Updates

New summoning focuses are now available!

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Here are the latest additions in content to Fire Emblem Heroes for March 20th and 21st, 2022!

March 20th:

  • [Summoning] A new Summoning Focus is now live: Weekly Revival 14. It features the following Heroes: Ryoma (Peerless Samurai), Hinoka (Warrior Princess), and Takumi (Wild Card) (available until March 27th)
  • [Summoning] A new Summoning Focus is now live: Weekly Revival 3. It features the following Heroes: Zelgius (Jet-Black General), Micaiah (Priestess of Dawn), and Veronica (Brave Princess) (available until March 27th)

March 21st:

  • [Events] The latest Pawns of Loki event is now live (available until March 23rd)
  • [Quests] A new set of Quests is now live: Pawns of Loki (available until March 23rd)

[Source: Perfectly Nintendo]

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