Following the two (very successful) Sonic movies, with a third set for release in 2024, SEGA has announced that it will be adapting Space Channel 5 and Comix Zone into movies!
Here are summaries of the films from The Hollywood Reporter (THR) via Nintendo Life (edited slightly for publication):
“[Space Channel 5,] a comedy/dance adaptation of the cult-classic 1999 dance game, will tell the story of a hapless fast-food worker who is recruited by a freedom reporter from the future to save the world from aliens using the one thing that unites all people on the planet: our love of silly viral dances.”
“[Comix Zone,] an adaptation of the cult console game, follows a jaded comic book creator and a young, queer writer of color who, when sucked into the final issue of his popular series, must put aside their differences to stop a dangerous supervillain from sowing complete destruction. In the process, they wittily explore the ever-evolving art of storytelling itself.”
[Sources: Nintendo Life, THR, SEGA]